Kirmen Uriberen liburuaren aurkezpena New Yorken

Bizkaie! 2007-04-04 02:00   Euskaldunak munduan

New Yorkeko zortzigarren etorbidean aurkeztuko da apirilaren 9an Kirmen Uribe idazlearen ‘Bitartean heldu eskutik’ poema-liburuaren ingelesezko itzulpena. Manhattaneko ‘Teachers & Writers Collavorative’ alkartearen egoitzan egingo da aurkezpena.

New Yorkeko zortzigarren etorbidean aurkeztuko da apirilaren 9an Kirmen Uribe idazlearen ‘Bitartean heldu eskutik’ poema-liburuaren ingelesezko itzulpena. Manhattaneko ‘Teachers & Writers Collavorative’ alkartearen egoitzan egingo da aurkezpena. Gero, hainbat errezital emongo ditu New Yorkeko areto eta unibersidadeetan, besteak beste, Brookliyneko liburutegian edo New York University eta City University of New Yorken. Era berean, munduko literatura jaialdirik garrantzitsuenetakoa dan ‘Wold Voyces’ jaialdian hartuko dau parte. Jaialdia, Estadu Batuetako PEN Clubak antolatzen dau eta mundu mailako idazleak batzen ditu. New Yorkez gain, Washington, Boston, Hartford eta Minneapolis urietara joango da.

‘Bitartean heldu eskutik’(2001) poema-liburua itzal luzea izaten ari da: bosgarren edizinoa agortu dau euskeraz eta gaztelaniaz (Visor, 2003), frantzesez (Castor Astral, 2006) eta oraintsu ingelesez argitaratu da (Graywolf, 2007). Ingelesezko argitalpena Americako PEN Clubaren beka bati esker eta Lannan Translation Selection fundazinoaren dirulaguntzinoagaz gauzatu da.

Kirmen Uribek nazinoarteko hainbat festibaletan hartu dau parte, besteak beste, AEB, Alemania, Frantzia, Italia, Irlanda, Eslovenia, Estonia eta Taiwanen. ‘Zaharregia, txikiegia agian’ egitasmoa jarri eban abian 2003an Mikel Urdangarin, Bingen Mendizabal, Rafa Rueda eta Mikel Valverdegaz batera. Arkaitz Basterra zinegileak artista talde horretan oinarritutako dokumentala aurkeztu eban Donostiako Nazinoarteko Zinema Jaialdian, ‘Agian’ izenekoa (2006).

Gaur egun, Kirmen Uribe lehen nobela idazten dabil.

Kritikak Amerikako Estadu Batuetan

‘The poems are a beacon of light and memory, surrounded by conflict, explosion and interruption.’–Los Angeles Times Book Review

‘Unusually wise for a young man.’–Booklist

‘Uribe is a poet whose concerns embrace all that’s human (lovemaking, fable-making, growth, and death): like Darwish, Ritsos, or Zagajewski, he’s a poet of worldwide scope.’–Marilyn Hacker

‘Fishermen and modernists, history and eroticism, cuckoos and e-mails, fairy tales and newspaper clippings: Uribe’s olive tree ‘lives two thousand years but tends to remember nothing.’ His poems remind us that poetry tends to remember everything.–Eliot Weinberger

‘Sharply alive, prolific of freshness, in Meanwhile Take My Hand no poem lacks its flash of discovery and verbal surprise. Here is new pleasure, access freely given to a deep culture unknown to most of us. A vivid inheritance, written and oral, comes over to us richly in these savvy, wry, and hope-filled lyrics.’–Marie Ponsot

‘[Kirmen Uribe’s work is] an urban poetry, made with a special rhythm, direct and piercing…; a poetry that has assimilated the legacy of the Basque oral tradition and come to rest in the twenty-first century: ‘reality’s bone marrow / resides in its pieces.’–The Barcelona Review

New Yorkeko errezitalen egitaraua:

- Monday, April 9, 6-9 P.M.
'Meanwhile take my hand' Bookparty,
Teachers & Writers Collaborative
520 Eighth Avenue at 36th. Suite 2020.

- Thursday, April 12, 7 P.M.
Brooklyn Public Library
1 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, N.Y.

- Sunday, April 15, 2 P.M.
with Charles Martin
The Lounge at Hudson View Gardens
Pinehurst Ave. and 183rd St.

- Monday, April, 16 2-5 P.M.
Conference about Poetry
with Mark Rudman.
New York University.

- Tuesday, April 17, 7 P.M.
Chapters Bookstore
445 11th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C.

- Wednesday, April 18, 6-8 P.M.
The City College of New York
Simon H. Rifkind Center
Rm. NA 0/201
138th St. at Convent Ave.

- Thursday, April 19, 7 P.M.
Franklin Art Works
1021 East Franklin Avenue
Minneapolis, Minn.

- Wednesday, April 25, 7 P.M.
PEN World Voices Festival / Circumference
Poetry in Translation
Housing Works Used Book Cafe
126 Crosby St.

- Sunday, April 29, 2 P.M.
La Paloma Sabanera Coffee House
405 Capitol Ave.
Hartford, Conn.

- Monday, April 30, 8 P.M.
with Carl Dennis
Blacksmith House
56 Brattle St.
Cambridge, Mass.

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